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Scootery Profiles: Karlos

How long have you worked at The Scootery: Five Months

Least Favorite Cartoon: Family Guy

Least Favorite Christmas Tree Decoration: Popcorn

Least Favorite Condiment: Horseradish

Least Favorite Customer Question: Can I have a hot fudge sundae? Answer: We have lots of sundaes with hot fudge you will have to specify.

Least Favorite Holiday: Valentine's Day

Least Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate

Least Favorite Modern Tech: JUUL Pods

Least Favorite Scary Movie: The Conjuring

Least Favorite Scoop N Scootery Employee: Said

Least Favorite State and Why: Vermont, lots of bugs and it’s boring

Least Favorite Taxidermy Animal: Giraffe

Least Favorite Topping to Prep: Red Velvet Cake

Least Favorite Vacation Spot: Vermont in the winter


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